Saturday 5 October 2013

Adobe has revealed today that they've been hit with a cyber attack, with intruders stealing a range of information from 2.9 million Adobe customers. Adobe IDs and encrypted passwords were accessed, but far more worrying is the news that customer names, encrypted debit and credit card numbers, expiration dates, and order information relating to product orders was stolen.
While this information was taken, Adobe doesn't believe that the intruders accessed any decrypted information, meaning your credit card information should be safe. Any customers that have been affected by the cyber attack will have their account passwords reset, and Adobe will also offer one year of free credit card monitoring to ensure malicious purchases aren't made.
Adobe also reported that source code to a number of products, including Acrobat and ColdFusion, was stolen in a separate, but potentially related attack. The company claims there is no "specific increased risk to customers" due to the source code theft.
The theft of Adobe customer data comes at a bad time, with the company trying to shift customers to subscription services such as Creative Cloud. The entire Creative Suite moved to the Creative Cloud subscription model earlier this year with mixed feedback, and revelations of cyber attacks on the service will instill no confidence in future buyers.

Content Copied from Tech Spot 
Despite how much people claim to like change, at the core we are creatures of habit. Just as we saw when Facebook introduced Timeline and as we will see when Twitter makes its next significant change, people are going to get up in arms about it. Apple’s iOS 7 was no different.
Described as the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone, iOS 7 has been available to the general public for roughly two weeks at this point. That’s given everyone plenty of time to get accustomed to all of the changes and vent about them, but for us, it’s served as an evaluation period.
Looking beyond the flat UI and the animated background, has that much really changed in Apple’s mobile OS? What did Cupertino get right with the update and what areas or features are still missing? To help answer these questions, I’ve put together a list of the top six things that are still missing in iOS 7 as well as the six things that Apple nailed with the update.


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